PSpice User Guide
Things you need to know
October 2019 69 Product Version 17.4-2019
© 1999-2019 All Rights Reserved.
The encryption utility does not check for syntax
error in a library.
Using PSpiceEnc
To launch and use the encryption utility from the command prompt:
1. Open the command prompt.
2. Navigate to \tools\bin.
3. Specify the command:
PSpiceEnc -[] -[m ]
4. Press Enter.
The encryption utility encrypts the library file and saves the file at the
specified location, that is, .
Command are:
m or M signifies the mode of encryption
Option Description
e/E Encrypts a PSpice library file if the file is not already encrypted.
i/I Indicates that only model text should be encrypted. This option is always used
with the e or E option.
n/N Indicates that only model text should be encrypted and the interface should be
hidden. Always used with the e or E option.
p/P Indicates that the file should be partially encrypted. The content of the input
file between the $CDNENCSTART and $CDNENCFINISH identifiers will be
c/C Indicates that the comment text will be displayed in the encrypted library.