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PSpice User Guide
Monte Carlo and sensitivity (worst-case) analyses
October 2019 563 Product Version 17.4-2019
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For example, if the name of the variable parameter is R_U2_R2::R,
R_U2_R2 is the reference designator and R indicates the parameter
name, which in this case is a resistor.
A sample .mcp file that has three parameters values varied is shown
Waveform reports
For Monte Carlo analyses, there are five variations of the output that
you can specify in the Save data from text box on the Monte Carlo
dialog box. Options:
The * indicates that you can set the number of runs in the runs text
Values for the output variables specified in the selected analyses are
saved to the simulation output file and data file.
Note: In excess of about 10 runs, the waveform display can look
more like a band than a set of individual waveforms. This can be
useful for seeing the typical spread for a particular output variable. As
the number of runs increases, the spread more closely approximates
the actual worst-case limits for the circuit.