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Understanding PCB Connectivity Management With OrCAD X

Key Takeaways

  • OrCAD X verifies and ensures that all intended electrical connections on a PCB are correctly established according to the design specifications.

  • OrCAD X identifies and highlights errors such as open circuits, short circuits, or missing connections, ensuring optimal PCB performance.

  • OrCAD X manages the netlist, allowing for the selection, modification, and analysis of nets, including impedance control and signal integrity analysis.

Ratsnest showing net connections between components in OrCAD X Presto
Ratsnest showing net connections between components in OrCAD X Presto PCB Editor

PCB connectivity refers to the electrical connections established between the various elements, components, and conductive paths on a PCB. The elements involved in PCB connectivity include traces, pads, vias, planes, components, nets, inter-layer connections, impedance-controlled traces, and thermal management components.

A PCB connectivity manager is a software tool or feature within PCB design software that helps manage and verify the electrical connections on a PCB. Let’s take a closer look at its primary functions.

Key Aspects of a PCB Connectivity Manager



Ensuring Correct Connections

Verifies that all the intended electrical connections between components and traces are correctly established according to the design specifications.

Error Detection

Identifies and highlights any errors, such as open circuits, short circuits, or missing connections, which could affect PCB performance.

Net Management

Manages the netlist, ensuring each net correctly connects all the intended pins and pads.

Design Rule Checking

Performs design rule checks (DRC) to ensure the layout complies with specified electrical and manufacturing rules.


Provides visual representations of the PCB layout, highlighting different nets and connections to help designers easily identify and analyze the board's connectivity.

Change Tracking

Tracks changes in the design and updates the connectivity status accordingly, ensuring any modifications are accurately reflected in the connectivity status.

Understanding PCB Connectivity Management on Your PCB

A PCB connectivity manager in advanced PCB software includes a wide array of features, some of which we've discussed above. Additional features include filtering, finding, and managing nets.

Layer and Net Filtering 

A key feature of a connectivity manager is the ability to adjust visibility settings, allowing users to filter and mask unnecessary layers. This includes focusing on specific conductive layers such as traces, pins, and vias, which aids in efficiently managing and routing connections on the PCB.

Finding Nets and Cross-Probing

Cross-probing is crucial for routing components when looking at the schematic. Users should be able to cross-probe between the schematic and PCB, locate parts by reference designator, symbol, pin, or net name, and assign custom shortcut keys to streamline the process of zooming and centering on specific components or nets.

Net Managing

Users should be able to select a net on the canvas and see associated properties like etch length or total vias associated. Nets should also be able to be modified, including adding, editing, or deleting nets. This feature provides flexibility and control over the connectivity of the PCB design. This includes measuring impedance, track length, and distance. Performing signal integrity analysis on these signals is also important for reliable design.

All these PCB connectivity manager features are enabled by OrCAD X, in addition to some explicitly outlined in the table below.

Search panel in OrCAD X Presto PCB Editor shows unrouted nets.
Search panel in OrCAD X Presto PCB Editor shows unrouted nets

How OrCAD X Acts as a PCB Connectivity Manager



OrCAD X Support

Integration With Other Design Tools

Integrates seamlessly with other PCB design tools, ensuring a smooth workflow and consistency across different design stages.

The OrCAD X platform includes OrCAD X Capture for schematic design, OrCAD X Presto PCB Editor for real-time collaboration, and PSpice for advanced simulation, providing a unified platform that streamlines the entire design process from capture to simulation.

Reporting and Documentation

Generates detailed reports and documentation on the connectivity status of the PCB for design reviews, troubleshooting, and verification.

OrCAD X includes Live DOC, which allows for dynamic documentation updates linked to the design. This provides real-time insights and ensures all documentation reflects the latest design changes.


Allows designers to select a net or component in one view and see the corresponding elements highlighted in another view.

OrCAD X supports cross-probing between the schematic, PCB layout, and Live BOM, enabling quick identification and resolution of connectivity issues.

Connectivity Constraints

Allows designers to define specific connectivity constraints and ensures adherence throughout the design process.

OrCAD X allows for detailed constraint settings in the Constraint Manager, such as differential pair rules, length matching, and impedance control, ensuring adherence to these constraints during design.

Library Management

Manages component libraries to ensure the correct symbols and footprints are used consistently across designs.

OrCAD X includes Live BOM, which ensures accurate and up-to-date Bill of Materials (BOM) management. This tool synchronizes with the design, automatically updating the BOM as components are added or modified, ensuring consistency and accuracy.

A  PCB connectivity manager is essential for ensuring your PCB designs are accurate, reliable, and efficient. OrCAD X offers advanced features like net management, cross-probing, and integration with other design tools, making it an indispensable part of your design workflow. To learn more about how Cadence tools can enhance your PCB design process, explore our PCB Design and Analysis Software and discover the capabilities of OrCAD X

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