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Terahertz Communication for a 6G Future

Key Takeaways

  • The sub-terahertz and terahertz bands are key to developing 6G wireless networks, offering a large bandwidth to address spectrum scarcity challenges.

  • 6G technology complements 5G, enabling high-definition holography, ultra-high-capacity wireless backhaul connections, and wireless networks on chips using tiny terahertz transceivers.

  • Deploying terahertz communication in 6G presents unique challenges, including extreme data rates and limited commercial components, requiring innovative approaches to overcome these hurdles.

Frequency spectrum range for 5G and future 6G applications

The frequency spectrum range for 5G and future 6G applications

The surge in wireless data traffic expected in the coming decade has prompted both academia and industry to explore solutions beyond current wireless standards, heading towards 6G wireless networks. Among the promising options, the sub-terahertz and terahertz bands, encompassing frequencies between 100 GHz and 10 THz, will be crucial in developing 6G and beyond. These frequencies will complement the lower frequency spectrum, including sub-6 GHz, midbands, and millimeter waves. 

Terahertz communication for 6G offers a considerable bandwidth, which can effectively address the spectrum scarcity challenge currently faced by wireless networks. This opens up exciting possibilities for wireless terabit-per-second (Tbps) connections. Read on as we delve into Terahertz communication and 6G technology. 

Overview of 6G and Terahertz Applications 



Holography and Immersive Extended Reality

Facilitates high-definition holography and creates immersive extended reality experiences, enhancing visual communication and user experience.

Ultra-High-Capacity Wireless Backhaul Connections

Bridges the digital divide in rural areas and addresses various critical connectivity needs.

Professional Holographic Communication

Supports professional high-resolution holographic communication in specialized settings like factories and hospitals, enhancing collaboration and visualization.

Wireless Connectivity within Data Centers

Provides wireless connectivity to compute units within data centers, improving the flexibility and efficiency of data processing infrastructure.

Terahertz Transceivers for Innovative Applications

Leverages the tiny size of terahertz transceivers and antennas (sub-millimetric at terahertz frequencies) to embed tiny radios seamlessly into various environments, enabling innovative applications such as wireless networks on chips and the Internet of Nano-Things.

The Sub-THz and Terahertz Bands

6G connectivity is poised to operate across a wide spectrum of frequency bands, from the 3.5-6 GHz mid-band range and millimeter-wave range all the way to terahertz. Other frequencies of note include the 7-15 GHz centimetric range and the 90-300 GHz sub-THz range. These sub-THz frequencies will generally be restricted to particular scenarios where the demand for extreme data rates or low latency within localized areas is paramount.

Moving up in frequency, the terahertz band itself is defined as frequencies exceeding approximately 100 gigahertz, transcending the 71 gigahertz limit of 5G. (It is important to note that although 1000 GHz = 1 THz, the THz band encompasses frequencies from a tenth of a THz and up). While it has been demonstrated that signals can be transmitted across the terahertz band, achieving this over long distances has proven exceptionally challenging because higher frequencies inherently limit the distance information can travel.

Projected Future Uses of 6G 

6G is posed to complement 5G rather than replace it altogether. Examples of 6G include: 

  • Facilitating high-definition holography and creating immersive extended reality experiences in the fronthaul, enhancing visual communication and experiences.

  • Enabling ultra-high-capacity wireless backhaul connections, which can be instrumental in bridging the digital divide in rural areas and addressing various critical connectivity needs.

  • Supporting professional high-resolution holographic communication in specialized settings like factories and hospitals, enhancing collaboration and visualization.

  • Providing wireless connectivity to compute units within data centers, improving the flexibility and efficiency of data processing infrastructure.

  • Leveraging the tiny size of terahertz transceivers and antennas (sub-millimetric at terahertz frequencies) to embed tiny radios seamlessly into various environments, enabling innovative applications such as wireless networks on chips and the Internet of Nano-Things.

Where the Terahertz Band Comes In

In the realm of 6G technology, a diverse array of innovations will seamlessly collaborate to bring forth the numerous features highlighted earlier. Among these groundbreaking advancements, there will likely be significant research and development advancements in the following terahertz-related fields.

  • Device Advancements: Innovations in electronic, photonic, and plasmonic devices for THz communication and sensing.
  • Smart Antennas: Developments in smart antenna systems (arrays, lenses, metasurfaces) for versatile THz transmission.
  • Signal Processing: Ultra-broadband signal processing for supporting Tbps links in THz communication.
  • Propagation Modeling: Models for diverse THz scenarios, from indoor to space, aiding system design.
  • Wavefront Optimization: Techniques for near-field THz communication enhancement.
  • Waveform and Modulation: Designs for ultra-broadband THz communication and sensing.
  • MIMO Technology: Exploring massive MIMO for THz systems.
  • Integrated Sensing: Merging sensing and communication in THz tech.
  • Radar and Communication: Combining radar and data communication in THz systems.
  • Networking Protocols: Novel protocols for ultra-directional THz systems.
  • Energy Efficiency: Examining THz system energy usage and efficiency.
  • Experimental Platforms: Platforms for THz research and development.
  • Spectrum Management: Coexistence strategies above 100 GHz and policy efforts.
  • Health Considerations: Assessing health impacts of THz radiation.
  • Industry Insights: Real-world applications and industry perspectives in the THz spectrum.

Issues in Deployment of Terahertz Communication in 6G

The deployment of 6G terahertz (THz) technology presents several challenges that differentiate it from 5G frequency bands.  Various fundamental differences impact the detailed design of sub-THz and THz systems, including challenging propagation conditions, the demand for extreme data rates exceeding 100 Gbit/s, limited availability of commercial radio frequency components, and the necessity to operate within relatively small coverage areas. 

Innovative approaches are required to address the unique challenges posed by terahertz frequencies. One current approach involves parallel processing to manage extreme data rates effectively. Another interesting approach involves pre-distortion of a signal to get rid of traditional mixers. More specifically, communication radios generally follow a signal generation path involving a mixer to add information to the signal, which is transmitted via an antenna. However, terahertz frequencies have significantly higher power demands, rendering traditional mixers impractical. Instead, the conventional mixer approach is bypassed altogether, and rather than placing a mixer after the signal source, the information is directly fed into the source itself. While this approach initially distorts the information, distorting the signal prior to transmission counteracts this. By making the signal "ugly" before it passes through the source, it becomes "cleaner" upon transmission, effectively overcoming one of the unique challenges of terahertz technology deployment.

Ready to utilize your knowledge of terahertz technology and 6G in your RF designs? Explore the limitless possibilities with Cadence AWR software, designed to empower engineers and researchers in developing cutting-edge wireless solutions. Visit our website to learn more and start your journey towards 6G innovation today!

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