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Energy Harvesting PMIC

Key Takeaways

  • Energy harvesting PMICs are specialized units designed to collect energy from ambient energy sources. 

  • Energy harvesting PMIC significantly improves energy conversion efficiency by reducing energy losses to improve device performance. 

  • The integration of ambient energy sources with energy harvesting PMIC supports device sustainability and reliability. 

Energy harvesting PMIC

The demands for sustainability have been growing on the consumer level, forcing industries to look for places energy can be made more environmentally friendly. For instance, in semiconductor or other electronic industries, researchers are looking into potential opportunities for sustainable energy harvesting rather than the use of traditional batteries or power outlets. 

Energy harvesting PMIC (power management integrated circuit) is one solution. Energy harvesting PMIC acts as a mediator that collects energy from ambient sources like sunlight, heat, or vibration and converts them into electrical energy. In this article, let us explore the role of energy harvesting PMIC in ensuring clean and efficient power management for your electrical device. 

Understanding Energy Harvesting PMIC

Energy harvesting PMICs are specialized integrated circuits designed to efficiently extract and manage energy from solar, thermal, vibrational, or RF (radio frequency) signals. The component acts as a central power management unit in the energy harvesting system, which enables the seamless integration of renewable energy sources into electronic devices to manage and optimize the energy transfer process. 

For instance, solar-powered energy harvesting PMIC captures the sunlight using a small solar panel and converts it into electrical power. The PMIC regulates this generated power to supply only what is needed for the electronic device. In many cases, PMIC enables storing of the excess energy in the rechargeable battery. This allows the device to operate continuously even when the energy source may not be readily available (such as during the night for solar powered-devices). The use of energy harvesting PMIC extends to many types of devices including wireless sensor devices, IoT devices, and autonomous systems, and serves many advantages. 

Energy Conversion Efficiency

Energy harvesting PMIC offers an advanced power management technique that optimizes the energy conversion process to improve efficiency. This is unlike the traditional energy harvesting system, where impedance mismatches and inefficiency in power transfer can lead to power losses. 

The table below illustrates the difference between the two energy harvesting approaches. 

Energy Harvesting Efficiency


Traditional energy harvesting

Energy harvesting PMIC













Sustainable and Efficient Power Conversion

Energy harvesting PMICs are designed with the ability to integrate ambient energy sources and optimize them for efficient energy conversion. This is crucial for maximizing energy transfer from the source to the load without any resistance or loss in-between.

Additionally, energy harvesting PMIC, with the integration of sustainable sources, eliminates the device’s dependence on the electrical grids and minimizes its carbon footprint. It also supports the extension of the operational lifespan of the device by eliminating the need for constant battery replacement and storing the energy for future use. This minimizes the waste generation associated with battery production and disposal. 

Improve System Performance With Energy Harvesting PMIC

Energy harvesting PMIC is playing a vital role in power management in the electronics industry by supporting the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly devices. The adaptation of energy harvesting PMIC has allowed electronic devices to achieve improved performance standards through:

  • The compact design of the PMIC allows the integration of multiple functions into a single package. This supports the compaction of the overall size of the device and simplifies the system design. 

  • Integration of thermal management techniques with the packaging of energy harvesting PMIC. Thermal pads, heat sinks, or optimized chip layout efficiently dissipate heat to maintain an ideal operating temperature.

  • Advanced power management function that can reliably maintain electrical signals. With EMI (electromagnetic interference) and noise minimization, voltage regulation, power isolation, and signal conditioning, the device can achieve the signal integrity required for optimal power management. 

The electrical performance of the device can further be improved through reliable packaging. IC packaging provides environmental protection, ensures electrical performance and signal integrity, manages thermal concerns, and enables efficient integration of the energy harvesting system to various devices. The collective efficiency of the IC packaging with the sustainability of energy harvesting PMIC improves the reliability of operation and system performance.

The package-specific features offered by Cadence’s Allegro X, such as seamless integration and design capabilities, can improve the productivity and efficiency of your packaging workflow. To learn more about our industry’s leading IC package solution, contact us.