PCB Installation Guides

Allegro and OrCAD 17.2 Installation Guide for Windows

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Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 17.2-2016 Installation Guide for Windows April 2016 83 Product Version 17.2-2016 © 1999-2018 All Rights Reserved. Appendix A: Access Levels and Installations It is not possible to install Cadence® Allegro® and OrCAD® 17.2-2016 products on the same system twice, even using different access types. However, you can install Cadence products and libraries with different access types. As a result, you have many combinations with different implications: Note: To be able to access the products installed by another user using the current user (Only for me) mode, you must configure the installation by choosing Cadence Release 17.2-2016 – Configure from the Start menu. Refer to Enabling Access to Installations in Current User Mode on page 51 for details. ■ Same user installs product and library ❑ With same access level ❑ With different access levels ■ Different users install product and library ❑ With same access level ❑ With different access levels Same user installs product and library The same user can install products as well as library, with the same or different access levels, on a system. The different scenarios and outcome are described in the following table: Note: It is suggested that product and library be installed using the same mode. For example, if product is installed for current user, library should also be installed for current user. First Installation Second Installation Result

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