PCB Installation Guides

Allegro and OrCAD 17.2 Installation Guide for Windows

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Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 17.2-2016 Installation Guide for Windows Installing the Products April 2016 39 Product Version 17.2-2016 © 1999-2018 All Rights Reserved. ❍ OrCAD Document Editor (OrCAD Doc/Panel Editor + DFM Checker) ❍ OrCAD Library Builder ❍ OrCAD Component Information Portal ❍ OrCAD Engineering Data Management Note: To be able to use Allegro Pulse, the Pulse Server administrator must deploy and configure Pulse by running the setup files in tools\ecw\SchemaSetup directory. Also, the Allegro Pulse server must have Microsoft 2012 Redistributable Packages for 32- and 64-bit installed. Refer to Allegro Pulse Configuration Guide for more information. Performing Maintenance Installation You can perform maintenance of a installed hierarchy to: ■ Incrementally add new products ■ Repair an existing installation: In the repair mode, the installer reinstalls all program features installed in the system. 1. Click on setup.exe in the top-level of the Windows DVD images (above the Disk 1 folder). 2. Click Product Installation in Cadence Product Components. The InstallShield Wizard prepares for setup. A page appears warning you to turn off any anti-virus software you may be running before proceeding with the product installation. 3. Click Next to open the License Agreement page. 4. Check I accept the terms of the license agreement to accept the License Agreement and click Next. 5. Select one of the following depending on your requirements: ❑ Modify: To add new features ❑ Repair: To reinstall all program features installed in the system ❑ Remove: To remove all installed features Note: If you select Remove and click Next, the wizard will start immediately and the installation will be removed. 6. Click Next.

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