PCB Installation Guides

Allegro and OrCAD 17.2 Installation Guide for Windows

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Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 17.2-2016 Installation Guide for Windows Installing and Configuring License Manager April 2016 27 Product Version 17.2-2016 © 1999-2018 All Rights Reserved. Installing License manager Two types of installations are possible for the license manager: ■ Standalone Installation ■ Network Installation The sections below describe the two installation types and explain the installation procedure. Standalone Installation To install the licensing for a single user on an isolated computer that will not depend on access to a network, install the License Manager directly on that computer. Network Installation In a network installation, you install the License Manager on a computer that is accessible over a network, referred to as a license server. In this configuration, multiple users can run the Cadence products at the same time across the network by accessing the license and file server. You may have up to three license servers running simultaneously. These are referred to as redundant license servers. The licensing system remains operational as long as any two of the three License Managers are functioning properly. To install the License Manager Note: To learn about silent or unattended installation of the license manager, refer to Installing License Manager in the Silent Mode on page 62. 1. Click on setup.exe in the top-level of the Windows DVD images (above the Disk 1 folder). The Cadence Product Components menu appears. 2. Click License Manager. The Welcome window of the InstallShield Wizard dialog box appears. 3. Click Next to proceed. The License Agreement dialog box appears.

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