PCB Installation Guides

Allegro and OrCAD 17.2 Installation Guide for Windows

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Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 17.2-2016 Installation Guide for Windows April 2016 49 Product Version 17.2-2016 © 1999-2018 All Rights Reserved. Configuring and Managing Installations You can use the Cadence Installation and Setup utility to: ■ Configure and complete a installation performed using standard user privileges ■ Update environment variables and the switch release shortcut ■ Enable access to installations performed by another user in the per user mode ■ Remove a release from the Programs and Features list This chapter discusses the following topics: ❑ Starting the Installation and Setup Utility on page 49 ❑ Performing Administrative Tasks on page 50 ❑ Updating Environment Variables and Switch Release Shortcut on page 50 ❑ Enabling Access to Installations in Current User Mode on page 51 ❑ Removing a Release on page 52 Starting the Installation and Setup Utility You can start the utility by double-clicking \tools\Installutils\InstallConfig. This utility is also available from the installation CD in the Disk1/Install_Utilities folder. Start the utility in the normal mode and perform the following to get the page from where you can choose the correction option: 1. Click Next in the Installation Setup Utility page. The Select an Option page appears. This page has the following options: ❑ Perform one time system level configuration: Select to complete installation and configure the system to be able to access products installed without administrative rights. See Performing Administrative Tasks on page 50 for more details.

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