PCB Installation Guides

Allegro and OrCAD 17.2 Installation Guide for Windows

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Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 17.2-2016 Installation Guide for Windows Performing Silent Installations April 2016 62 Product Version 17.2-2016 © 1999-2018 All Rights Reserved. Installing License Manager in the Silent Mode 1. Navigate to the Disk1\silentinstall-Licensing.ini file template on the Windows DVD images. 2. Update the Targetdir in the .ini file to reflect the location where you want to install License Manager or use the default location. 3. Save the .ini file. 4. In the Run dialog box, type the following and click OK: \Disk1\LM\setup.exe !quiet=\silentinstall-Licensing.ini The installation process runs. Important You need to run Start – Cadence – License Manager – License Server Configuration Utility after an unattended installation to configure licensing. Installing Products in the Silent Mode 1. Modify the Disk1\silentinstall-SPB.ini file. Change the following variables: ❑ TargetDir: Specify the location where you want to install the products. ❑ MODE: Specify if you want to install all the products (MODE=COMPLETE) or a selected list of products (MODE=CUSTOM). Edit the Features section for the CUSTOM mode. ❑ WorkingDir: Specify the default working directory. ❑ ALLUSERS: Specify if the installation is for all users, (ALLUSERS=YES), or the current user (ALLUSERS=NO), which is the default. ❑ ALWAYS_OVERWRITE: Specify if existing installations should be overwritten (ALWAYS_OVERWRITE=Y), which is the default. Set it to N if you want installation to exit and not overwrite if an installation exists. ❑ OVERWRITE_HOME: Specify if the value of HOME should be overwritten with the value specified for WorkingDir. By default, the value is set to Y. 2. Save the .ini file. 3. In the Run dialog box, type the following and then click OK:

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