PCB Installation Guides

Allegro and OrCAD 17.2 Installation Guide for Windows

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Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 17.2-2016 Installation Guide for Windows April 2016 43 Product Version 17.2-2016 © 1999-2018 All Rights Reserved. Installing Client on a Remote Computer After installing the License Manager software and products on a file server, you can set up remote client computers. The file server can be any computer on which you have installed Cadence® Allegro® and OrCAD® products. Note: The ADW product line, individual ADW products, and product family names have been re-branded in Release 17.2-2016. The Allegro Design Workbench (ADW) is now referred to as Allegro Engineering Data Management (EDM). Note: The system that has Cadence Allegro and OrCAD products installed acts as a file server. You can also run all installed products from the file server and Start menu entries are created in the file server along with the creation of all environment variables required to run the installed products. You can install the client either interactively using the Installation Wizard or unattended in the silent mode. Both types of installations will add a standard shortcut to the start menu as Start – All Programs – Cadence Release , for example, Start – All Programs – Cadence Release 17.2-2016. Note: This chapter discusses interactive installation of the client. To learn about silent or unattended installation, refer to Performing Silent Installations on page 61. Remote client computers access the license server and the products (on the file server) over a network. The remote client computer itself does not have the License Manager software or any of the products installed on it. Instead, a minimum of files are installed (system DLLs, registry entries, and environment variables) and icons that point to the products on the file server are put into the Start menu on the remote client computer. In addition, the remote client installation creates a Start menu command (Start–All Programs–Cadence–License Manager–License Client Configuration Utility) that updates the CDS_LIC_FILE environment variable on the remote client computer with the licensing information on the file server. Note: You can use a UNC path or a mapped drive to specify the file server location.If you use a mapped drive and UAC (User Account Control) is on, browse to the location instead of typing the path to the server location. Specifying a UNC path is recommended as mapped drive might not be accessible due to company specific IT policies.

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