PCB Installation Guides

Allegro and OrCAD 17.2 Installation Guide for Windows

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Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 17.2-2016 Installation Guide for Windows Getting Help April 2016 72 Product Version 17.2-2016 © 1999-2018 All Rights Reserved. Cadence Online Support Cadence Online Support gives you answers to your technical questions. Find the latest in hotfixes, case and product change release (CCR) information, technical documentation, solutions, software updates and more. Note: To register on Cadence Online Support you will need your email address and your host-ID or serial number. To Access Cadence Online Support, go to: http://support.cadence.com/ Note: OrCAD customers need to contact Cadence Channel Partners. Cadence Channel Partners are listed at: http://www.cadence.com/Alliances/channel_partner/pages/default.aspx Requesting a License If you need to change your license (for instance, you want to upgrade to a newer version or purchase additional products), or if you need additional licenses for other users, contact Cadence Product Sales at: North America Customers - Phone: 800.746.6223 International Customers - Phone: 408.943.1234 Email: salesinfo@cadence.com or check the following website for contact information in your local area: http://www.cadence.com/contact.html Customer Support Cadence Customer Support is available online. There are specific email addresses, phone and FAX numbers for different regions of the world. The website provides contact details for your particular area. To Contact Cadence Customer Support, go to: http://support.cadence.com/wps/myportal/cos/psa/contacts.html

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