PCB Installation Guides

Allegro and OrCAD 17.2 Installation Guide for Windows

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Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 17.2-2016 Installation Guide for Windows Installing Client on a Remote Computer April 2016 44 Product Version 17.2-2016 © 1999-2018 All Rights Reserved. Installing a Client Interactively on a Remote Computer 1. Click on setup.exe in the top-level of the Windows DVD images (above the Disk1 folder) Note: You can also launch the client installer by opening command prompt and entering the command \setup.exe -client. 2. Click Client Installation. The Welcome window of the InstallShield Wizard dialog box appears. 3. Click Next to proceed. The License Agreement dialog page appears. 4. Enable the I accept the terms of the license agreement checkbox to accept the License Agreement. Click Next. The Setup Type page appears. 5. Select the option to allow all users access to the installed products or restrict access to only your login. Select Anyone who uses this computer [all users] for all users of the computer to access the installed applications. Select Only for me to allow access to only the current user installing the applications. 6. Click Next. The Complete Product Installation Directory page appears. Note: Avoid spaces and special characters in the installation path. 7. Specify the location of a compatible server. The server location can either be a mapped drive or an UNC path. 8. Click Next. Note: If Allegro Design Entry CIS or OrCAD Capture CIS are installed on the server, the Footprint Viewer Options dialog box appears. Choose the footprint viewer for PCB Editor, or choose None if you do not want to set up a footprint viewer. Click Next. The Working or Home Directory page appears. 9. Specify the working directory. 10. Click Next. The Installation Summary page appears. 11. Click Next.

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