PCB Installation Guides

Allegro and OrCAD 17.2 Installation Guide for Windows

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Cadence Allegro and OrCAD 17.2-2016 Installation Guide for Windows Performing Silent Installations April 2016 63 Product Version 17.2-2016 © 1999-2018 All Rights Reserved. \Disk1\setup.exe !quiet=\silentinstall-SPB.ini Installing Client in the Silent Mode 1. Modify the Disk1\silentClientinstall-SPB.ini file. You need to modify these three variables: ❑ WorkingDir: Specify the home directory ❑ FileServerLocation: Specify the server location. ❑ ALWAYS_OVERWRITE: Specify if existing installations should be overwritten (ALWAYS_OVERWRITE=Y), which is the default. Set it to N if you want installation to exit and not overwrite if an installation exists. ❑ OVERWRITE_HOME: Specify if the value of HOME should be overwritten with the value specified for WorkingDir. By default, the value is set to Y. 2. Run the setup by using the command: \setup.exe -client !quiet=\silentClientinstall-SPB.ini. For example, if you saved the modified silentClientinstall-SPB.ini to C:\temp, then the command will be: \setup.exe -client !quiet=C:\temp\silentClientinstall-SPB.ini Installing DEHDL-AMS Library in the Silence Mode 1. Modify the .ini file. You need to modify these three variables: ❑ TargetDir: Specify the location where you want to install the library file ❑ ALLUSERS: Specify if the installation is for all users, (ALLUSERS=YES), or the current user (ALLUSERS=NO), which is the default. ❑ Features: Specify the products that you want to install 2. Run the setup by using the command: \setup.exe !quiet=\<.ini file>. Note: Similar to uninstalling the other installed products, as described in Performing Maintenance in the Silent Mode on page 64, specify OnMaintenance = REMOVEALL in the [state] section to remove installed libraries.

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