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PCB Stackup Design Guidelines for Performance With OrCAD X

Key Takeaways

  • A PCB stackup design is the arrangement and configuration of different PCB layers composed of conductive traces, insulating materials, and additional components.
  • PCB Stackup design affects the performance, functionality, and reliability of your PCB. When designing a PCB stackup, there are several considerations to take into account, including layer count, signal integrity, plane decoupling, and material selection.
  • Discussion of OrCAD X tools that aid in following good PCB stackup design guidelines.

Side and top view of a dense PCB stackup design.

Side and top view of a dense PCB stackup design.

A PCB stackup defines the order, thickness, and materials used for each layer in the PCB. Layers are either composed of signal traces or plane layers that provide power and ground. PCB stackup design affects the performance, functionality, and reliability of your PCB. It impacts signal integrity, power distribution, impedance control, and thermal capabilities. To follow good PCB stackup design guidelines, material selection, stacking order, and layer thickness should be carefully considered to meet design requirements. 

PCB manufacturers often provide stackup design specifications that consider factors like impedance matching, controlled dielectric constants, and thermal dissipation. Engineers follow these PCB stackup design guidelines while considering the specific requirements of the circuit and the system in which the PCB will be used. Read on as we discuss PCB stackup design guidelines.

PCB Stackup Design Guidelines

When designing a PCB stackup, several important considerations must be made to ensure proper functionality, signal integrity, and manufacturability. First, we’ve highlighted guidelines concerning copper placement, from planes to traces.

PCB Stackup Design Guidelines for Copper: Traces, Planes, and Signals

Layer Count

  • Select the number of layers based on the circuit complexity and functionality. 
  • Consider factors such as signal density, power distribution, and noise isolation.

Power and Ground Planes

  • Allocate power and ground planes to provide a stable, low-impedance power distribution network.
  • Maximize ground plane size to reduce noise, improve signal quality, and facilitate thermal dissipation.

Plane Decoupling

  • Place decoupling capacitors near power and ground plane pairs to suppress high-frequency noise and provide clean power to components.

Signal Integrity

  • Plan the arrangement of signal layers to minimize signal degradation and maintain good signal integrity. 
  • Proper layer ordering, impedance control, and controlled dielectric constants are crucial for managing signal integrity issues such as crosstalk, signal reflections, and impedance mismatches.

EMI/EMC Considerations

Signal Layer Ordering

  • Determine the order of signal layers to minimize crosstalk and ensure efficient routing.
  • Grouping high-speed signal layers and separating them from low-speed layers can help manage signal integrity.

Impedance Controlled

  • Design the stackup with controlled impedance for critical high-speed signals.
  • This involves calculating and controlling the trace widths, dielectric thickness, and layer separation to achieve the desired impedance values.

PCB Stackup Design Guidelines for Manufacturing and Material Selection

In addition to the actual placement of the copper, material selection and manufacturing constraints should also be considered when following PCB stackup design guidelines. Below, we've highlighted some important considerations.

PCB Stackup Design Guidelines: Material, Thermals and Manufacturing

Thermal Considerations

  • Use thermal vias and distribute thermal planes to manage heat dissipation.
  • Place components with high heat production away from more sensitive components.

Manufacturing Constraints

  • Note the capabilities and limitations of your PCB manufacturer (minimum track width and spacing, minimum drill size, and material availability).

Material Selection

  • Select laminate materials based on electrical performance, thermal properties, and cost.
  • Different materials have different dielectric constants, loss tangent values, and thermal conductivities that can affect the overall performance of the PCB.

Of course, specific PCB stackup design guidelines will vary depending on the project's specific requirements, such as the frequency of operation, environmental conditions, and industry standards. Consulting with an experienced PCB design company like Cadence can provide valuable insights and guidance to ensure you have the right PCB stackup design for your project.

OrCAD X cross-section editor

OrCAD X cross-section editor

OrCAD X Features for PCB Stackup Design

OrCAD X Feature

How It Helps in Stackup Design

Cross-Section Editor

  • Allows designers to add, remove, and configure layers, adjust thickness, material, and surface finish, and import/export cross-section technology files.
  • Helps determine the appropriate number of layers based on design complexity and functionality.

Signal Integrity Analysis

  • Provides workflows for impedance and coupling analysis, allowing designers to set up and run analyses.
  • Aids in managing crosstalk, signal reflections, and impedance mismatches.

Constraint Manager

  • Enables setting up and managing rules for power and ground planes, decoupling capacitors, and other design constraints. Ensures a stable, low-impedance power distribution network and effective decoupling.

Via Arrays

  • Helps manage heat dissipation by incorporating thermal vias in various patterns. 
  • Allows precise control over the placement and pattern of vias, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of the design process.

Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Checks

  • Ensures the design meets manufacturability standards, including advanced constraints related to PCB layer fabrication, assembly, and testing. 
  • Helps identify and resolve potential manufacturing issues early in the design process.

Copper Polygon Shape Pour

  • Enables the creation and management of copper pours and polygons for power and ground planes, improving power distribution and reducing noise. 
  • Helps in creating efficient thermal paths and managing EMI/EMC.

Mastering PCB stackup design guidelines is crucial for ensuring your PCB performs optimally with signal integrity, effective power distribution, and efficient thermal management. By leveraging OrCAD X, designers can streamline the stackup design process. To explore how Cadence can enhance your PCB design process, visit our PCB Design and Analysis Software page and learn more about OrCAD X.

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