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Installing the inspectAR App

Note: On Windows and macOS 1.2.0 and 1.3.0, the autoupdater is broken and will not update your application. Follow this guide to get up to date.

After logging in to the webapp, navigate to the downloads page. Here, you can find installers for all the platforms you have access to.

Augmented reality pcb

Downloads Page‍


On Windows, download the .exe installer. Run the executable as shown below. Walkthrough the installer steps to complete the inspectAR installation. On versions 1.4.0 and above, the auto-updater will ensure you are kept up to date.

version 2.0.1


on macOS, download the .pkg. Execute the package, and the installer will launch, from here you can let it walk you through the process.

installer pop up

That's it! inspectAR is installed on your system. On versions 1.4.0 and above, the auto-updater will ensure you are kept up to date.


iOS is currently being distributed through the Apple App store. The easiest way to install inspectAR is to navigate to this link on your iPhone or iPad, or scan the QR code below. To do this using the regular camera app, simply point your camera at this screen and follow the banner to install the app.


Android is distributed on the Google Play store. The easiest way to install inspectAR is to navigate to this link on your Android Device, or scan the QR code below. To do this using the regular camera app, simply point your camera at this screen and follow the prompt to install the app.