Screenshot Markup Tool
Figure 1 - Annotated screenshot with instructions for debugging
Maximize Communication & Collaboration with your team
inspectAR 2.2 has been released and in it there is a great new feature called the “Screenshot Markup Tool”. This tool gives users the ability to quickly communicate and collaborate with their teams, technicians, and anyone else working on the PCB.
The Old Way
EE’s all over the world are used to taking a picture of a circuit board, or schematic, uploading it to an archaic paint program, and taking the time to draw arrows, write in comments and hoping that their communication skills are sufficient enough to explain what they want from other members of their team.
Figure 2 - Using old programs for assembly instructions
While this method works, it creates a time-sink. Some boards are so dense, miscommunications can easily occur. The team at inspectAR asked the question: “How can we make this faster and more efficient?”
Our Way
Within the application, EE’s can highlight nets or components of interests, and then add comments for other EE’s to read. Where inspectAR’s augmented reality overlays are incredibly accurate, you never need to worry if others will understand which net needs probing, or which component needs testing, inspectAR takes care of that for you.
Figure 3 - Screenshot Markup Tool UI
We’ve put in all the features you’ll need to communicate to your team such as:
Paintbrush – This tool acts like a traditional paintbrush. With it you can easily draw on you screenshot. |
Eraser – This tool will allow you to erase any marking made with other Screenshot Markup Tools. |
Draw Circle and Draw Square – These tools will draw circles and squares so you can get your team to focus on specific areas of the board. |
Text Tool – This is the game changer. With this tool, you can add text to your screenshots within the inspectAR app. Write instructions for your team, note bugs in your board and otherwise use it to communicate and collaborate with your team even if they’re on the other side of the world. |
The Text Box – This is the space where you may write your comments. You may resize the box by dragging the edges. Clicking on the ‘T’ icon will allow users to increase or decrease the font size. The Eye drop icon will change the color of the text. Finally, the selecting and holding the directional arrows will allow users to move the text box anywhere on the screen. |
Main and Fill Color – These tools allow you to choose what color to use for your shapes. The Main color represents the outline of your shapes and Fill color chooses the fill color of your shapes.Fill color by default is transparent and can be changed easily. |
Thickness Tool – This tool allows you to choose the thickness of your paint brush, and the thickness of the outlines of your shapes. |
Paint Fill – This tool can be used to quickly fill in your shapes with any color you choose. |