Exporting Files from Cadence Allegro into inspectAR
If you’re a Cadence Allegro 17.X user, you can easily export IPC2581B and BOM files. This guide will take you through the process. If you have another version of Allegro, you can refer to their support documentation here.
IPC2581B Files
Opening up the .brd project for your project, navigate to Export -> IPC 2581
You will be presented with the following window:
Ensure you have IPC2581B selected, the functionality mode USERDEF selected, (and all boxes ticked) and Vector Text selected.
Export and you are done.
BOM files
Exporting BOM files is very common and essential to complete the inspectAR user experience. In Cadence Allegro select all of your parts, then navigate to Tools->Bill of Materials
Allegro automatically saves your file in .csv format.
Cadence Allegro also has a great tutorial on how to ensure your BOM’s are correctly exported here.