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All SPICE is Not Created Equal

While the SPICE (simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis) kernel is public domain source code and there are many variants out there, not all SPICE is created equal. While most SPICE software can simulate circuits efficiently, choosing a simulation software requires a bit more consideration. The more important question is "will this product fulfill my ultimate business goals?" Meaning, once you have your waveform and simulation, what else might you need to do with it? How well can you analyze the end result, make changes, etc.
One of the many reason PSpice excels in this area is because it has options which will allow companies to go beyond standard waveform results to help them further optimize and qualify design for cost, yield, and reliability—taking their simulation results to the next level. With PSpice technology, engineers can analyze and explore circuit performance and functional relationships with “what if” scenarios and simulate complex mixed-signal designs.
Below are several other reasons to choose PSpice over other simulation products:
PSpice provides the broadest model availability of any SPICE simulator on the market with over 34,000 models included and thousands more available online.  Furthermore, more IC vendors develop and test their models with PSpice than any other simulator.
Access the most advanced post simulation analysis environment to enable effective and efficient analysis of simulation results
Unmatched speed and convergence with multicore / 64-bit architecture support and unique capabilities like checkpoint restart
Unique modules to analyze for yield, cost, and reliability allows you to draw a direct line between your simulation efforts and overall product cost / success
Full System Simulation:
PSpice isn't just SPICE. Full mixed-signal analysis capabilities and integrations with Mathworks enable full system level analysis
In addition, PSpice integrates seamlessly with OrCAD Capture, allowing you to use the same schematic for both simulation and PCB layout, which reduces rework and errors. The integration also allows for easy setup and simulation runs as well as cross-probing of simulation results.