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Properties Panel in OrCAD X

Key Takeaways

  • The properties panel in OrCAD X adapts to user selections, providing relevant design information and facilitating efficient navigation.
  • Easily rename nets, assign aliases, and adjust trace properties directly from the properties panel.
  • Simplify DRC browsing with filtering options that display specific error types, aiding quick corrections.

With nothing selected the properties panel shows top-level design properties.

With nothing selected, the properties panel shows top-level design properties.

The properties panel in OrCAD X offers an efficient way to change net names, using net aliases, and extracting nets. This panel not only facilitates relational navigation but is also context-sensitive, displaying information based on the user's current selection. Read on as we explore the functionalities of the properties panel, including changing net names, using net aliases, and extracting nets.

Properties Panel and More in OrCAD X 

Feature Type


Net and Trace Management

  • Net Selection: Displays properties of selected nets such as total etch length and number of vias.
  • Changing Net Name: Allows renaming of nets directly from the properties panel.
  • Using Net Alias: Assigns or modifies net aliases for alternative naming conventions within the design.
  • Extracting Nets: Identifies and adjusts properties of specific nets, updating changes automatically in the design.
  • Trace Selection: Enables selection of traces to adjust properties like trace width.
  • Adjusting Trace Width: Enables quick adjustments to trace width through the properties panel.

Context-Sensitive and Interactivity

  • Context-SensitiveDisplay: Displays information based on the user's current selection.
  • Interactive Links: Blue underline links can be clicked to cross probe to the search results panel.

Design Overview

  • Top-Level DesignProperties: Shows basic design information like number of shapes needing refreshment and DRC overview.

Component Management

  • Component Selection: Displays specific properties of selected components and allows viewing shared properties.
  • Selecting Multiple Components: Allows selecting multiple components to view or modify their shared properties.
  • Viewing Shared Properties: Displays shared properties of selected components or nets, with differing properties indicated.

DRC Management

  • DRC Browsing and Filtering: Facilitates filtering and displaying DRC errors in the search panel for easy navigation.
  • Filtering DRC Errors: Filters specific types of DRC errors, displaying them for easy correction.

Via Management

  • Via Selection: Shows via-specific properties and allows modification for single or multiple vias.
  • Thermal Relief Type Adjustment: Allows changing the thermal relief type for vias, such as setting to orthogonal.

The Context-Sensitive Properties Panel in OrCAD X

The content of the properties panel is determined by the user's selection on the canvas. When no objects are selected, the panel displays top-level design properties, providing an overview of basic design information. Parameters like page size and custom attributes can be managed from this panel.

Interacting with Links and Cross Probing

Links with a blue underline in the panel can be interacted with by left-clicking. This interaction typically results in a cross probe to the search results panel, allowing users to quickly identify which nets are still unrouted, for instance.

Selecting Components and Viewing Properties

Selecting a component will update the properties panel to display information specific to that component. For example, selecting an IC will show properties such as part numbers. Clicking on the blue links associated with these properties will display other parts sharing the same property value. Using the search results, users can select these components simultaneously and view or modify their shared properties.

Properties panel with a component selected shows different properties

Properties panel with a component selected shows different properties

Properties Panel in OrCAD X

The content of the properties panel in OrCAD X changes when a net is selected. For example, to change a net name, users can utilize the selection filter at the top of the properties panel to select a net on the canvas. Once selected, properties of that net, such as total etch length or the number of vias, are displayed. Users can then rename the net directly from the properties panel.

Using Net Names 

Net aliases allow for alternative naming conventions within a design. Although it is better practice to do so in the schematic, by selecting a net and accessing its properties, users can assign or modify net aliases if needed also in the PCB. This feature is particularly useful for maintaining clarity in complex designs where multiple names may refer to the same net.

Selecting a net shows unique net properties such as total etch length, or number of vias on the net.

Selecting a net shows unique net properties such as total etch length, or number of vias on the net.

Trace Management 

Extracting nets involves identifying and working with specific nets within the design. Using the selection filter, users can highlight a trace or group of traces. Once selected, the properties panel allows for adjustments to trace width, and these changes are automatically updated in the design. Grayed-out values in the properties panel indicate properties that cannot be changed.

Via Properties and Adjustments

Selecting a via in the design will display via-specific properties in the properties panel. Users can apply changes to individual vias or groups of vias by selecting them and modifying their properties, such as changing the thermal relief type to orthogonal.

DRC Browsing and Error Filtering

The properties panel simplifies DRC browsing by allowing users to filter errors and display them in the search panel. The DRC tab in the search panel shows all DRCs in the design, with the option to filter down to specific types, such as spacing DRC errors. 

Filtered errors displayed in the search panel

Filtered errors displayed in the search panel.

The properties panel for nets in OrCAD X is a powerful tool for navigating and interacting with design properties. To explore more about how Cadence tools can revolutionize your design process, visit our PCB Design and Analysis Software page, and dive deeper into the capabilities of OrCAD X.

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