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Electrical Constraints
February 19th
Productivity Toolbox Panelization functionality included in OrCAD and Allegro PCB Designer.
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Easily tackle complex and cutting edge designs with the help of advanced routing technologies, in-design analysis, manufacturability checks, team collaboration, and more.
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It’s easy to request and register for the latest version of the OrCAD free trial from the website. View this quick tutorial to get started and design your next project.
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Allegro X Symphony allows you to efficiently collaborate with your team to get designs to market faster.
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Multiple PCB designers are needed to design complex boards with variety of functionality. And nowadays design teams are dispersed all over the globe, which raises a challenge to compile final design.
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There are various routing methods you can utilize to get your designs done faster. Visual notifications help prevent violations and improve design accuracy.
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With auto connect you can simply window select a set of nets and connect the pins of your components.
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Quickly and easily identify signal integrity issues with various tools to improve design performance.
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Utilize these techniques to create reliable, powerful and compact designs and ensure the success of your HDI projects.
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Inter layer checks help prevent unnecessary design iterations and board re-spins as they help automate the detection of errors.
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Utilize embedded components for shorter signal paths, increased performance and reduced PCB size.
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Use IPC 2581 to exchange Stack up information. Utilize already existing database stack up for new designs to reduce repetitive manual efforts and human error.
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Reuse validated constraints and verified IP to improve both productivity and time to market.
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Constraint driven checks, whether electrical, physical, mechanical or manufacturing are all critical to your design process as they help you identify and mitigate potential problems in real-time.
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Setting up manufacturing design checks from the beginning helps you easily identify and eliminate any potential issues before they cost you time and money.
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By setting up your HDI rules, you can easily fit more parts per board area and pack more power into smaller form factors.
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The OrCAD Free Trial gives you access to the full version including all tool features. Learn how to download and install OrCAD with the following steps.
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Scribble is a simple routing mode that allows you to ‘draw’ a route path for the trace to automatically follow. It provides a quick two-pick methodology to generate complex route paths, along with ver
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