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OrCAD X: Create Symbol Capabilities

Key Takeaways

  • OrCAD X simplifies the creation of symbols with tools for easy sketching of arcs and lines, and the inclusion of images, enhancing accuracy and organization.

  • Seamless integration of PSPICE models and part properties at the design stage, ensuring symbols are optimized for performance during simulation.

  • OrCAD X simplifies the creation of symbols with tools for easy sketching of arcs and lines, and the inclusion of images.

 Created symbol in OrCAD X with added image

Created symbol in OrCAD X with added image

Creating symbols manually might seem daunting, yet with the OrCAD X “create symbol” capabilities, it becomes a streamlined process. This tool simplifies the creation of standards-compliant symbols, allowing for easy drawing of arcs, lines, and the inclusion of images to enhance accuracy, readability, and organization. 

Symbol Creation Capabilities in OrCAD X



Symbol Sketching 

Enables engineers to easily draw arcs and lines and include images for enhanced accuracy and organization. 

Grid Snapping

Offers flexibility and power, enabling neat arrangement and adjustment of symbols on a grid, with features for moving symbol parts between the foreground and background easily.

Library Search and Upload

Ensures users can search through the default library for symbols, footprints, and PSpice models or upload and use their own database. This feature allows users to access essential components for symbol creation.

Bulk Editing and Duplication

Facilitates modifying existing symbols or bulk editing pins with spreadsheet tool support for faster naming and pin assignments. Duplicating symbols updates pin numbers automatically.

Integration with PSpice Models

Allows for integrating PSpice models and other part properties with symbols at the early design stage for optimal performance and yield during simulation.

Library Paths for Symbols and Padstacks

Grants extensive customization and control over project settings, including library paths for managing symbols within your design environment.

Visibility Customization

Allows detailed management of how symbols and other design elements are displayed via the Visibility panel.

Design Review Collaboration

Encourages collaboration and precision through comments in the PCB design review process, allowing targeted feedback on symbol construction and schematic.

Part Properties and Data

Reveals properties associated with specific parts,, including access to datasheets, symbols, PCB footprints, and even 3D models.

The OrCAD X “Create Symbol” Function

The OrCAD X integrated Symbol Editor offers flexibility, enabling users to create and adjust symbols on a grid neatly for use in their schematic later on. It facilitates easy adjustments, such as modifying existing symbols or bulk editing pins. It also features additional support from spreadsheet tools to expedite naming and pin assignments. Moreover, duplicating symbols automatically updates their pin numbers in sequence.

Integrating PSpice models and other part properties with your symbols at an early design stage is also simplified, ensuring optimal performance during simulation. OrCAD X caters to all symbol creation needs, whether you're unable to find the right symbols in your library or online, or you're tasked with creating symbols regularly. With OrCAD, completing your designs with the necessary symbols is made straightforward.

Project Setup to Ensure Symbol Functionality

ORCAD Window

Establishing the correct library paths is crucial for efficient project setup and management. OrCAD X project stup allows you to specify the paths for PSM and PAD, which are essential for facilitating access to your packaging symbols (footprints) and padstacks.

Regarding the creation of new pins and their relation to the padstack library, it's important to note that the full padstack library remains accessible. When a new pin is created within a symbol, the new wizard ensures that this pin is written to the specified libraries. This means that newly created pins do not exist solely within the symbol; they are also added to the padstack library.

Ready to experience the capabilities of OrCAD's “create symbol” firsthand? Sign up for the OrCAD X free trial today and elevate your PCB design projects to new heights. With our advanced tools and features at your fingertips, creating complex symbols has never been easier or more accessible.

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