OrCAD X Resources

OrCAD X User Essentials

Issue link: https://resources.pcb.cadence.com/i/1509519

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5. Select Export and a file browser opens. 6. Specify the name and path of the output file and click the Save button. The output file contains the 3D representation of the design based on the visibility settings in the specified directory. ⚠ You cannot modify the display while the 3D export is in process. Overview of the 3D Environment The OrCAD X 3D environment enables you to view and edit your layout, and includes the following 3D capabilities: Component Shape Visibility Within the Components tab in the Visibility panel, you can control the visibility state of the Place Bound or DFA Bound extru- sions and mapped 3D models. Toggle between the Opaque and Translucent states to help you visualize the design. Visibility Panel Components Tab Footprint Boundaries To accurately display the positive material of layers such as the solder mask and dielectric, the 3D view requires an overall design boundary. When used for board-level visualization the overall design boundary is taken from the design. However, footprints lack an explicit design boundary. The overall 2D box extent for the footprint objects, plus an additional apron, will be computed dynamically and used as the footprint design boundary. As objects (pins, shapes, and so on) are added, removed, or modified, the boundary is updated to use the minimum required area to include all relevant 3D footprint objects. For example, if a silkscreen shape is added outside the current boundary, then the boundary will be enlarged just enough to include it. In the following example, the computed 2D extent is outlined in red, while the overall 2D extent (computed + apron) is outlined in yellow. 3D Models You can control the mapped 3D model for the footprint through the top-level 3D Model field in the property panel. When there is no existing 3D model mapped to the footprint: 1. The text portion of the "3D Model" field will appear empty and you can use the plus (+) icon button to import a new 3D model for the footprint, as follows: 33 www.cadence.com OrCAD X User Essentials

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