OrCAD X Datasheets

ECAD and MCAD Co-Design for Success Datasheet

Issue link: https://resources.pcb.cadence.com/i/1517640

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DATASHEET ECAD and MCAD Co-Design for Success Seamless Integration Between the Electrical and Mechanical Worlds Electrical and mechanical engineers have traditionally worked in silos due to the disjointed workflow of how CAD data has been managed and stored between ECAD and MCAD tools. This process has often led to poor communication and coordination between the two domains, resulting in inefficiencies, errors, and delays in the design process. With stricter requirements for today's electronics and the need for 3D product visualization, it's important that both electrical and mechanical engineers are aligned in terms of the product requirements to ensure manufacturability as well as proper form and fit. These requirements can range from form factor constraints to electrical and mechanical component alignment. Cadence ® has partnered with all the major MCAD providers to support a seamless integration between the two design spaces, helping facilitate proper communi- cation for data exchange. Engineers can now concur- rently work on mechanical and electrical aspects of the design to accurately model, track and synchronize changes, and ensure that printed circuit boards (PCBs) fit in their enclosure without any interference. The integrated co-design solutions with our MCAD partners enable close collaboration between teams and real-time data transfer to help avoid design respins and an extended time-to-market.

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