PSpice Application Notes

PSpice App Note_Using PSpice to Simulate the Discharge Behavior of Common Batteries

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APPLICATION NOTE 2 Figure 1: AA cell discharge rate As shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3, the batteries are modeled using the following functional blocks: Capacitor representing the A-H capacity of the cell. Discharge rate normalizer to determine the lost capacity at high discharge rates. A circuit to discharge the A-H capacity of the cell. Cell voltage versus state-of-charge lookup table. Cell resistance. The thermal effects of the cell under high discharge rates for NICD batteries. To model a cell, perform the following steps: Generate a parameterized PSpice lookup table Model discharge current sense and cell resistance Modeling the State-of-Charge (SOC) Link SOC with cell voltage to determine output Generating a Parameterized PSpice Lookup Table To model a cell, start by generating a parameterized PSpice lookup table Voltage Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS) using the following steps: 1. Measure several actual discharge curves on a computerized constant-current load analyzer [1] at a low rate (20 to 200 hours) to get an actual voltage versus capacity curve. 2. Make a single curve either by averaging several curves or by picking a typical curve from the data. 3. Convert the data into a parameterized PSpice lookup table VCVS. This models the cell's output voltage versus the state-of-charge at low discharge rates. A simplified VCVS definition is E_Cell +OUT -OUT TABLE {V(x)} = (0,1.5) (0.5,1.3) (1.0,0.0)

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