OrCAD datasheets

Allegro PCB Manufacturing

Issue link: https://resources.pcb.cadence.com/i/1310860

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www.cadence.com 5 Allegro PCB Designer Manufacturing Option process. This solution enables designers to quickly create electronic manufacturing documents that clearly articulate the panel specification and instructions for successful fabrication, assembly, and inspection of their designs. Panel Editor includes the following key features: • Automatic array creation in spreadsheet or auto-calculate mode using imported, intelligent Allegro PCB design data results in an optimized panel that includes as many PCBs as possible • Allows quick placement of top, bottom, drill pattern, or custom panel arrays on a drawing, as well as drill charts, note blocks, mill, and V-score details • Panel-level drill and coordinate charts allow the user to place a drill and coordinate charts reflective of all the PCBs contained in a panel to define all components, hole sizes, locations, symbols, and quantities for the entire panel. All of the formatting capabilities of the single-instance PCB drill and coordinate chart are also supported for panels. In addition, any pinning holes added to the panel are automatically included in the drill chart. Coordinate charts or the panel can be exported in CSV format to drive pick-and-place machinery. • Automatic NC milling definition allows the route path around a PCB to be defined within a panel as well as the breakaway tabs, then the NC milling can be automatically applied to all the PCBs within the panel as well as merged route information for one unified NC milling path • Panel Drawing Detail wizards use the existing PCB and NC milling data to automatically depict mill tab and V-score details • Web Publisher allows for the creation of PCB release packages in HTML format • Flip panel support Ease of Drawing Creation PCB designers often turn to CAM tools for their PCB assembly panel design, tools created specifically for the CAM engineer at the PCB fabricator that most PCB designers find difficult to use. The Manufacturing Option's Panel Editor module is designed for ease of use, with drag-and-drop drawing elements— including PCB views, charts, details, text boxes, and note blocks—that are treated as drawing elements and can be quickly added and modified. Each element can be independently scaled, formatted, and transformed (e.g., rotated, mirrored, flipped). There is no limit on the number of elements that can be placed on a drawing. Figure 8. Automatically create panel arrays of PCBs on a panel documentation drawing Figure 9. Panel Drawing Detail wizards use the existing PCB and NC milling data to automatically depict mill tab and V-score details

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