OrCAD datasheets

Allegro PCB Manufacturing

Issue link: https://resources.pcb.cadence.com/i/1310860

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www.cadence.com 3 Allegro PCB Designer Manufacturing Option Figure 4: Crossprobing between errors and Allegro PCB Editor Allegro PCB Editor Allegro Constraint Manager Figure 5. Missing solder mask Documentation Editor PCB documentation creates the manufacturing specification for an electronic product. Comprehensive documentation records the engineering "intent" of a design specifying the form, fit, and function of the PCB. Documentation drives the procurement process, aids manufacturing engineering, and is used in final inspection to verify that the product was built to engineering's specification. It also gets archived to ensure later production runs can be repeated with the same level of consistent quality. PCB documentation must capture all of the information necessary to not only build the product today, but also any repeat builds in the future—eliminating any guesswork. The Manufacturing Option's Documentation Editor module is a PCB documentation-authoring tool that intelligently automates your documentation creation process to produce complex PCB documentation in a fraction of the time versus traditional methods. Documentation Editor enables you to quickly create the manufacturing drawings that drive PCB fabrication and assembly. Utilizing the Allegro PCB CAD data, Documentation Editor creates intelligent linked PCB views, drawing details, document notes, drill charts, parts lists, and other crucial documentation details. The result is documentation that more accurately articulates instructions for the successful fabrication, assembly, and inspection of PCBs. The completed documentation release package contains all the data necessary to build, view, and archive the final product. Documentation Editor includes the following key features: • Creation and placement of unlimited views of the PCB. Each view can have its own display settings and can be formatted independently of the source data. • Tight integration with Allegro PCB Editor enables simple click-through passing of design data to expedite the drawing creation process • Intelligent automation saves hours, if not days, creating PCB drawings for fabrication, assembly, and inspection • Automatic creation of component assembly views, drill pattern view, details, and parts lists derived from the Allegro PCB CAD data, eliminates manual drawing of tedious document elements • Design changes made in Allegro PCB Editor are automatically propagated to all effected drawing elements, dramatically reducing time spent updating documentation due to the design changes Drawing Creation Standard or custom drawing elements are easily added by dragging and dropping from a palette of drawing-specific elements, such as sheet borders, title blocks, PCB views, drill charts, detail views, text boxes, and note blocks. Elements added to your drawings can be easily relocated, resized, and customized. Each element can be scaled, formatted, and transformed (rotated, mirrored, flipped, etc.) independent of each Figure 6. Produce complex PCB documentation in a fraction of the time

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